Deck Repair in Saint Louis

Home Team Pro - Proudly Serving St. Louis, MO and the surrounding areas

Deck Repair in Saint Louis

Deck Repair in Saint Louis

At Home Team Pro, we recently undertook a Deck Repair project in the heart of SAINT LOUIS. The task was to breathe new life into a tired, worn-out front porch of a charming downtown house and we certainly rose to the occasion! The original, failing paintwork was removed and the deck was carefully replaced with 5/4 “cedar tone” decking, providing a sophisticated, finished appearance. We even replaced the boards underneath the porch supports, adding proper deck hardware to enhance the porch’s durability and stability.

The porch stairs also demanded our attention. The crew took out the worn-out 5/4 board treads and replaced them with robust 2×12 treads that matched the decking finish. When the stair stringers fell apart during the renovation, we made a custom replacement, using the old stringer as a model and installing additional hardware to reinforce the structure and update it to current building standards.

Our final challenge was the porch railings which we revitalized by power washing to remove the loose paint, then treated them with Kilz exterior primer and a fresh coat of Exterior white paint. Our client was thrilled with the complete porch refresh we delivered. Get an estimate today!

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